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Mitzvah Core (7th grade, after b’nai mitzvah)

Students in 7th grade who have become b’nai mitzvah remain engaged in Religious School by collaborating on social action projects in our Mitzvah Core.

Madrichim Leadership Training Course (8th grade)

This leadership training curriculum provides continued learning for our 8th graders along with leadership skills that are put to use as they assist in our classrooms in preparation for becoming high school madrichim (teaching assistants; see below for more information). Our 8th graders choose a track to pursue that focuses on a current skill or area of curiosity and interest, from song leading to Hebrew.


Temple Beth El’s 10th–12th graders are invited to participate in confirmation, an experience affirming one’s faith and commitment to Judaism as a Jewish adult. The confirmation service is typically held on the Friday evening before Shavuot, a holiday that celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Students attend the confirmation retreat and three rehearsals and offer the recitation of the Ten Commandments at a Shabbat service they create with Temple Beth El’s clergy. Interested confirmands should contact the director of lifelong learning at

Midrasha Hebrew High School (8th–12th grades)

Midrasha, our high school program, is jointly sponsored with the Jewish Federation of Madison and Beth Israel Center. Midrasha offers enriching educational opportunities, ranging from Hebrew study to Jewish cooking, history, Jews in film, and much more. Students may enroll beginning in 8th grade.

High School Madrichim (teaching assistants) Program

All members of Temple Beth El in 9th–12th grade are eligible to work as paid teaching assistants (madrichim) in Religious School on Sunday mornings. Students with special skills such as Hebrew, dance, art, or music are encouraged to apply in those areas. We also offer service hours if needed for high school credit. To apply, complete this form.

Youth Groups

Our youth groups offer social opportunities and other events for our students and families.


College Etc. Connections

Temple Beth El Sisterhood sends care packages to young adults away at college or other post–high school adventures to keep them connected at holiday times. Please email to provide or update your family member’s mailing address.

January 16, 2025 16 Tevet 5785