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Who we are

The TBE experience is based upon caring for each other and building
relationships through a Jewish lens of community, worship, learning, and
working for social justice. We each find our personal, meaningful connections to Temple life in these four foundational areas.

Ready to join? 

Welcome to Temple Beth El

Welcome to Temple Beth El: to warmth, to relationships, to sacred moments, and to a commitment to tikkun olam, the ongoing perfection of our world. We are honored to be the voice of Reform Judaism in Madison. We are so pleased that you have chosen to continue your journey through Jewish life with us.

Life at Temple Beth El is exciting and full of activity. Every time you enter our building you might experience the richness of possibility, surprise, and the personal growth that comes from this great gift that we call Judaism. This congregation has always strived to be a family of support and strength in times of need and a source of inspiration as we seek the courage to make a difference in the world.

Welcome to a community where your story is part of our story. Where small groups make our big place feel like family, like home.

Welcome to prayer that lifts you up with spirit and song.

Welcome to a community where children laugh in the halls, where students young and old are sparked by the study of Torah, and where kids grow up and adults keep growing on a personal Jewish journey.

Welcome to a home that values questions and commitment. Welcome to shared meals and shared vision.

Welcome to Temple Beth El. Welcome home.

Benefits of Membership

In addition to the relationships that you will build here, there are many other benefits to becoming a member in our community:
• No charge for life-cycle participation by TBE clergy for members.
   • Baby naming
   • Brit milah
   • Bar/bat mitzvah
   • Confirmation
   • Wedding
   • Funeral
• A weekly array of worship services for all ages and interests
• Admission to all High Holy Day events
• Voting privileges at general membership meetings
• Privilege to serve on governance committees and the Board of Trustees
• Eligible to enroll in our innovative Religious School and Hebrew School
• Discounts for classes and programs
• In-depth Jewish learning for adults
• Social and spiritual programs for teens
Through your membership, you make these Jewish resources and programs possible for the congregation and the community.

October 23, 2024 21 Tishrei 5785