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Madrichim Application

Please complete the application below to apply to be a madrich/madricha/madrichim for the 2023-2024 school year.

Applicant Contact Information:

Guardian Contact Information:


Work Experience:


The ​expectations ​as a madrich/a on our faculty include: 

Be a positive role model for the students and serve as a mentor. Sign in at least 15 minutes before school begins and sign out at the end of the session. Attend regularly and on time (notify supervisor in case of an absence). Review the lesson each week with your supervisor (HRT Manager or teacher) before working with students. Help involve students in the lesson and help keep individual students on task. Work with students one-to-one or in small groups as directed by your supervisor.  Accept constructive feedback and work towards self-improvement. Evaluate the lesson and communicate student concerns with your supervisor. Assist teachers with materials preparation, record keeping, and tzedakah collection, etc., as guided by your supervisor. Participate and encourage student participation during song circle, Hebrew and t’filah.

I understand the expectations and agree to meet them to the best of my ability.

January 16, 2025 16 Tevet 5785