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High Holy Days 5783 Nonmember Worship Registration

We welcome you to join Temple Beth El for High Holy Day worship. Please fill out the form below indicating which service(s) you would like to attend in person. Payment of the suggested donation of $72 per person per holiday for those that are not affiliated with any Reform Jewish congregation is requested.Your entry cards will be available at the Will-Call table located inside the Arbor Drive entrance doors.

High Holy Day worship will continue to be livestreamed on YouTube. Nonmembers will be provided access for a suggested donation of $36.  

To join Temple Beth El, please complete a membership application.

Please refer to for our current in-person guidelines.

Please complete the Union for Reform Judaism High Holy Day Courtesy Seating Request Form for reciprocal worship attendance. Your registration will not be complete until we receive confirmation you have filled out this form.

Suggested donation for attending High Holy Day worship in person is $72 per person per holiday. Suggested donation for worshiping with us via livestream is $36 per screen per holiday.
October 7, 2024 5 Tishrei 5785