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Refugee Shabbat Focuses on Refugee Experiences and Honors Our Volunteers

01/13/2020 11:43:57 AM


Jewish Social Services of Madison (JSS) has been resettling refugees for the past four years. Sadly, in the last two years the number of refugees allowed into this country has dropped significantly, from 80,000 per year in FY2010 to 30,000 in FY2019 and now 18,000 in FY2020. Still, the number of refugees coming to Madison remains relatively constant. In FY2019, 64 individuals settled here, including 43 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 9 from Syria, 5 from Burundi, 4 from Afghanistan, 2 from Central African Republic, and one each from Somalia and Sudan.

Volunteers from JSS and Open Doors for Refugees have worked together to provide a home for refugees in Madison and provide assistance as our new neighbors become active and contributing members of our community. Many volunteers from Temple Beth El have participated by providing donations, setting up apartments, providing transportation, offering tutoring and homework help, grocery shopping, helping to seek employment, and providing cultural and logistic assistance.

At our refugee Shabbat on March 27, Becca Schwartz, the JSS refugee coordinator, will talk about the negative impact of our current national refugee policies and address local refugee needs. She will introduce our speaker, who came from Jordan in 2017 with his wife and young son, fleeing Syria just as the Syrian civil war was escalating. He will share his experiences to give us an understanding of the challenges and rewards of his family’s life here in Madison and the life he left behind. In addition, at this Shabbat service we will honor many of the volunteers who have supported the refugees.

Dinner and schmooze will precede the service. Please join us for any or all of the evening:

6:00 pm Dinner from Banzo (registration required)
6:45 pm Shabbat Schmooze—a casual wine and cheese reception free and open to all
7:30 pm National Refugee Shabbat Service with oneg Shabbat to follow

Please register for dinner here  by March 18 ($18/adult, $11/youth). Menu includes falafel, pita bread, hummus, marinated chicken, chopped salad, majadra rice, and more. For more information, please contact Aleeza Hoffert.

May 8, 2024 30 Nisan 5784