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TBE offers progressive, egalitarian worship with a comfortable mix of Hebrew and English. 

Members in good standing will receive their High Holy Day entry cards in the mail in mid-September. If you have any questions, please contact Executive Director Stefanie Kushner at

Nonmembers and those requesting reciprocity must fill out the nonmember registration for in-person seating or to request a livestream link. Advance registration is required for nonmembers and guests. 

High Holy Day worship will continue to be livestreamed on YouTube.

All members will receive the link to view the livestream. Nonmembers will be provided access for a suggested donation. 

This year we will not be livestreaming the slides of the Mishkan Hanefesh machzor (High Holy Day prayer book). If you want to have a copy of these books at home:
1. You can purchase a new set of machzorim online.
2. You can obtain a used set from Temple Beth El with a donation to the Prayer Book Fund, or borrow a set from Temple Beth El during the High Holy Days. Please contact Maddy Friedman, administrative assistant, to make arrangements.

Find our accessibility measures and visitor guide on our in-person information page

Donate to the High Holy Day Food Drive

High Holy Day Schedule of Events and Worship

Saturday, September 28  
8:00–9:30 pm S'lichot     

Wednesday, October 2
7:00–9:00 pm T'filat K'hilah: Erev Rosh Hashanah Community Worship

Thursday, October 3
8:45–9:30 am T’filat Gan: Rosh Hashanah Worship for Families with Children Ages 0–6  
10:30 am–1:00 pm T’filat K’hilah: Rosh Hashanah Community Worship (Childcare is now closed.)
10:30 am–1:00 pm T'filat Noar: Rosh Hashanah Youth Worship and Program for Ages 7–12
1:15–2:15 pm Tashlich at Lake Wingra

Friday, October 4
7:15–7:30 pm Zichronam Liv’rachah, May Their Memories Be Blessings: Dedication of New Memorial Plaques
7:30–9:00 pm Shabbat Shuvah Worship

Friday, October 11
7:009:00 pm Tfilat K’hilah with Kol Nidrei: Erev Yom Kippur Community Worship

Saturday, October 12
8:45–9:30 am T’filat Gan: Yom Kippur Worship for Families with Children Ages 0–6
10:30 am–1:00 pm T’filat K’hilah (Shacharit): Yom Kippur Morning Community Worship (Childcare is now closed.)
10:30 am–1:00 pm T’filat Noar: Yom Kippur Youth Worship and Program for Ages 7–12
1:30–2:45 pm Yom Kippur Discussion
3:00–6:30 pm T’filat K’hilah (Minchah, Yizkor, and N’ilah): Yom Kippur Afternoon Community Worship
5:30–7:00 pm Families with Young Children Break-the-Fast Potluck
6:30–7:30 pm Break-the-Fast

Sunday, October 13
10:00 am–12:00 pm Sukkah Building with Men’s Club 

Wednesday, October 16
5:45–6:15 pm Sukkot Open Hut
6:15–7:15 pm Erev Sukkot Worship and Celebration

Saturday, October 19
5:00–7:00 pm New Member Havdalah Sukkah Schmooze

Sunday, October 20
12:00 pm–1:15 pm Families with Young Children Pizza in the Hut and Sukkah Decorating Party
5:00 –7:00 pm MJND Pizza in the Hut 

Monday, October 21
6:00 pm–7:30 pm Stitchin' in the Sukkah 

Wednesday, October 23
4:45–5:30 pm Pizza Buffet
5:15–5:30 pm Yizkor (Memorial) Service
5:30–7:00 pm Simchat Torah Celebration

Sunday, October 27
10:00 am–12:00 pm Sukkah Take Down with Men’s Club 



January 16, 2025 16 Tevet 5785