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Men's Club Shabbat

Friday, March 29, 2024 19 Adar II 5784

7:30 PM - 9:00 PMTBE & YouTube

Join us for Shabbat worship with participation by the Men's Club of Temple Beth El.

Jonathan D. Rosenblum will be giving the d'var, titled "Leviticus: From a Priestly Cult to Rumblings of Power to the People." Rosenblum, a Madison attorney, author, and former advisor to Bill Clinton's White House task force on sweatshops, contrasts the cult of religious authority in Leviticus to glimmers of wider participation by the people. He offers some surprising lessons for today's leaders in efforts to improve American governance.

To view this event on livestream, go to YouTube at

To follow along in Mishkan T'filah, you can obtain a print or electronic copy here.

Find our accessibility measures and other important information about in-person events on our in-person information page. 

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October 7, 2024 5 Tishrei 5785