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Racial Justice Action Team Hosts Two Fall Events

09/22/2023 09:55:05 AM


On Thursday, October 12, join us for a tour of the Milton House Museum Underground Railroad Station near Janesville. Travel back in time by taking a tour of Wisconsin's only certified Underground Railroad site open to the public. On this guided tour, we will learn about the history of America in the tumultuous years leading up to the Civil War, the importance of the Underground Railroad in the United States, and how the Underground Railroad operated in Milton. All areas of the museum are wheelchair accessible except for a tunnel between buildings. 

After our tour, we will share a catered lunch together in the museum's private meeting room to discuss our reaction to the experience. We will arrange shared rides for the 45-minute trip to and from Milton, Wisconsin, meeting at the museum for our own guided tour of this very important part of American history. We will be gone from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The cost is $20, which covers museum admission and lunch. Please register here by October 6.

Then, on Thursday evening, November 9, we are offering a presentation on “Planning Your Own Civil Rights Trip,” with ideas for how to structure a meaningful tour of the churches, courthouses, schools, museums, and other landmarks that played a pivotal role in advancing social justice in the 1950s and 1960s, shifting the course of history. 
A few years ago we heard a presentation from four TBE members about their own trips. This year, four more TBE members who have planned and completed a civil rights trip will share their experiences and offer specific recommendations to help you plan and prepare for your own trip, following in the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr. from Atlanta to Montgomery, Selma, Birmingham, and Memphis. 
They will recommend advance reading, identify key sites, and suggest time allotments for each, and offer a framework for learning as you deepen your knowledge of this critical component of U.S. history. The presentation will take place on November 9 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Swarsensky Social Hall and on Zoom. Please sign up here

September 18, 2024 15 Elul 5784